Monday, January 30, 2012

sexy green

...spray nozzle! Ok you ready to water with me? This time let's use a spray nozzle when watering. Using a spray nozzle helps minimize water waste. And also, make sure to turn off the faucet when not in use. Simple things can make a world of a difference... Oh and please pardon the undies, we like to garden as close to our natural state as possible. :O) Thanks again Bad Fathers for the sick tunes! And thank YOU for keeping it GREEN! Visit to learn more ecosexy tips and connect with other ecosexuals over 18. xoxo B PS Look for a high-pressure, high-efficiency nozzle. It minimizes water consumption and water charges, as well as the cost to heat water -- I was told by a water expert. In addition to saving both energy and water, the nozzle will help users save enough money to pay for itself in a relatively short period of time. Happy sexy green spray nozzle shopping and if you already have one, kudos to you!

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  1. When thinking about Bathtub Taps we need to remember that the bathroom, as we know it, is still relatively new. Before 1870, Victorians would slide into a hip Taps UK in front of the fire. These shallow Pull Out Kitchen Taps were curved up the back making a comfortable rest and were made of iron or zinc, usually painted dark brown on the outside and cream or marbled on the inside.

  2. The water through waterfall tap is pour out, it is easy to wash. Now the became more and more popular, installing such kind of tap in your house, will makes your home more fashion and charming.
